Policies and Rule Counts
This metric can be used to track the number of policies as well as rules present in the cluster which are currently active and even the ones which are not currently active but were created in the past.
As a cluster admistrator, it is beneficial for you to have capabilities to monitor the state and execution of the Kyverno policies applied over your cluster. Things like tracking the applied policies, the changes associated with them, the activity associated with the incoming requests processed, and the results associated with policies can prove to be extremely useful as a part of cluster observability and compliance.
In addition, providing flexible monitoring of targets from the rule level or policy level to entire cluster level gives you options to extract insights from the collected metrics.
When you install Kyverno via Helm, a service called kyverno-svc-metrics
gets created inside the kyverno
namespace and this service exposes metrics om port 8000.
1$ values.yaml
5 create: true
6 type: ClusterIP
7 ## Kyverno's metrics server will be exposed at this port
8 port: 8000
9 ## The Node's port which will allow access Kyverno's metrics at the host level. Only used if service.type is NodePort.
10 nodePort:
11 ## Provide any additional annotations which may be required. This can be used to
12 ## set the LoadBalancer service type to internal only.
13 ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
14 ##
15 annotations: {}
By default, the service type is going to be ClusterIP
meaning that the metrics would be only capable of being scraped by a Prometheus server sitting inside the cluster.
In many cases, the Prometheus server may be outside the workload cluster as an shared service. In those scenarios, you will want the kyverno-svc-metrics
service to be publicly exposed so as to expose the metrics (available at port 8000) to your Prometheus server sitting outside the cluster.
Services can be exposed to external clients via an Ingress, or using LoadBalancer
or NodePort
service types.
To expose your kyverno-svc-metrics
service publicly as NodePort
at host’s/node’s port number 8000, you can configure your values.yaml
before Helm installation as follows:
3 create: true
4 type: NodePort
5 ## Kyverno's metrics server will be exposed at this port
6 port: 8000
7 ## The Node's port which will allow access Kyverno's metrics at the host level. Only used if service.type is NodePort.
8 nodePort: 8000
9 ## Provide any additional annotations which may be required. This can be used to
10 ## set the LoadBalancer service type to internal only.
11 ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
12 ##
13 annotations: {}
To expose the kyverno-svc-metrics
service using a LoadBalancer
type, you can configure your values.yaml
before Helm installation as follows:
3 create: true
4 type: LoadBalancer
5 ## Kyverno's metrics server will be exposed at this port
6 port: 8000
7 ## The Node's port which will allow access Kyverno's metrics at the host level. Only used if service.type is NodePort.
8 nodePort:
9 ## Provide any additional annotations which may be required. This can be used to
10 ## set the LoadBalancer service type to internal only.
11 ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
12 ##
13 annotations: {}
This metric can be used to track the number of policies as well as rules present in the cluster which are currently active and even the ones which are not currently active but were created in the past.
This metric can be used to track the results associated with the rule executing as a part of incoming resource requests and even background scans.
This metric can be used to track the latencies associated with the execution/processing of the individual rules whenever they evaluate incoming resource requests or execute background scans.
This metric can be used to track the end-to-end latencies associated with the entire individual admission review, corresponding to the incoming resource request triggering a bunch of policies and rules.
This metric can be used to track the history of all the Kyverno policies-related changes such as policy creations, updations and deletions.
A ready-to-use dashboard for Kyverno metrics.