Kyverno CLI

Apply and test policies outside a cluster.

The Kyverno Command Line Interface (CLI) is designed to validate policies and test the behavior of applying policies to resources before adding the policy to a cluster. It can be used as a kubectl plugin or as a standalone CLI.

Installing the CLI

You can use Krew to install the Kyverno CLI:

1# Install Kyverno CLI using kubectl krew plugin manager
2kubectl krew install kyverno
4# test the Kyverno CLI
5kubectl kyverno version  

Install via AUR (archlinux)

You can install the Kyverno CLI via your favorite AUR helper (e.g. yay)

yay -S kyverno-git

Building the CLI

You can also build the CLI binary from the Git repository, and then move the binary into a directory in your PATH.

1git clone
3make cli
4mv ./cmd/cli/kubectl-kyverno/kyverno /usr/local/bin/kyverno

CLI Commands

When using the Kyverno CLI with kustomize, it is recommended to use the “standalone” version (binaries here) as opposed to the version embedded inside kubectl.


Applies policies on resources, and supports applying multiple policies on multiple resources in a single command. The command also supports applying the given policies to an entire cluster. The current kubectl context will be used to access the cluster.

Displays mutate results to stdout, by default. Use the -o <path> flag to save mutated resources to a file or directory.

Apply to a resource:

kyverno apply /path/to/policy.yaml --resource /path/to/resource.yaml

Apply to all matching resources in a cluster:

kyverno apply /path/to/policy.yaml --cluster > policy-results.txt

The resources can also be passed from stdin:

kustomize build nginx/overlays/envs/prod/ | kyverno apply /path/to/policy.yaml --resource -

Apply multiple policies to multiple resources:

kyverno apply /path/to/policy1.yaml /path/to/folderFullOfPolicies --resource /path/to/resource1.yaml --resource /path/to/resource2.yaml --cluster

Saving the mutated resource in a file/directory:

kyverno apply /path/to/policy.yaml --resource /path/to/resource.yaml -o <file path/directory path>

Apply policy with variables:

Use the --set flag to pass the values for variables in a policy while applying on a resource.

kyverno apply /path/to/policy.yaml --resource /path/to/resource.yaml --set <variable1>=<value1>,<variable2>=<value2>

Use --values_file for applying multiple policies on multiple resources and pass a file containing variables and its values. Variables specified can be of various types include AdmissionReview fields, ConfigMap context data (Kyverno 1.3.6), and API call context data (Kyverno 1.3.6).

kyverno apply /path/to/policy1.yaml /path/to/policy2.yaml --resource /path/to/resource1.yaml --resource /path/to/resource2.yaml -f /path/to/value.yaml

Format of value.yaml:

 2  - name: <policy1 name>
 3    resources:
 4      - name: <resource1 name>
 5        values:
 6          <variable1 in policy1>: <value>
 7          <variable2 in policy1>: <value>
 8      - name: <resource2 name>
 9        values:
10          <variable1 in policy1>: <value>
11          <variable2 in policy1>: <value>
12  - name: <policy2 name>
13    resources:
14      - name: <resource1 name>
15        values:
16          <variable1 in policy2>: <value>
17          <variable2 in policy2>: <value>
18      - name: <resource2 name>
19        values:
20          <variable1 in policy2>: <value>
21          <variable2 in policy2>: <value>


Policy manifest (add_network_policy.yaml):

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: add-networkpolicy
 5  annotations:
 6 Workload Management
 7 By default, Kubernetes allows communications across
 8      all pods within a cluster. Network policies and, a CNI that supports network policies,
 9      must be used to restrict communications. A default NetworkPolicy should be configured
10      for each namespace to default deny all ingress traffic to the pods in the namespace.
11      Application teams can then configure additional NetworkPolicy resources to allow
12      desired traffic to application pods from select sources.
14  rules:
15  - name: default-deny-ingress
16    match:
17      resources:
18        kinds:
19        - Namespace
20    generate:
21      kind: NetworkPolicy
22      name: default-deny-ingress
23      namespace: "{{}}"
24      synchronize: true
25      data:
26        spec:
27          # select all pods in the namespace
28          podSelector: {}
29          policyTypes:
30          - Ingress

Resource manifest (required_default_network_policy.yaml):

1kind: Namespace
2apiVersion: v1
4  name: "devtest"

Applying policy on resource using --set or -s flag:

kyverno apply /path/to/add_network_policy.yaml --resource /path/to/required_default_network_policy.yaml -s

Applying policy on resource using --values_file or -f flag:

YAML file containing variables (value.yaml):

2  - name: default-deny-ingress
3    resources:
4      - name: devtest
5        values:
6          request.namespace: devtest
kyverno apply /path/to/add_network_policy.yaml --resource /path/to/required_default_network_policy.yaml -f /path/to/value.yaml

Apply policy with namespace selector:

Use --values_file for passing a file containing namespace details. Check here to know more about namespace selector.

kyverno apply /path/to/policy1.yaml /path/to/policy2.yaml --resource /path/to/resource1.yaml --resource /path/to/resource2.yaml -f /path/to/value.yaml

Format of value.yaml:

2  - name: <namespace1 name>
3    labels:
4      <namespace label key>: <namespace label value>
5  - name: <namespace2 name>
6    labels:
7      <namespace label key>: <namespace label value>


Policy manifest (enforce-pod-name.yaml):

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: enforce-pod-name
 6  validationFailureAction: audit
 7  background: true
 8  rules:
 9    - name: validate-name
10      match:
11        resources:
12          kinds:
13            - Pod
14          namespaceSelector:
15            matchExpressions:
16            - key:
17              operator: In
18              values:
19              - managed
20      validate:
21        message: "The Pod must end with -nginx"
22        pattern:
23          metadata:
24            name: "*-nginx"

Resource manifest (nginx.yaml):

1kind: "Pod"
2apiVersion: "v1"
4  name: test-nginx
5  namespace: test1
7  containers:
8  - name: "nginx"
9    image: "nginx:latest"

Namespace manifest (namespace.yaml):

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Namespace
4  name: test1
5  labels:
6 managed

YAML file containing variables (value.yaml):

2  - name: test1
3    labels:
4 managed

To test the above policy use the following command:

kyverno apply /path/to/enforce-pod-name.yaml --resource /path/to/nginx.yaml -f /path/to/value.yaml

Policy Report

Policy report provide information about policy execution and violation. Use --policy_report with the apply command to generate policy report.

Policy report can also be generated for a live cluster. While generating a policy report for a live cluster the -r flag is assuming a resource by specific name which is assumed to be globally unique. And it doesn’t support naming the resource type (ex., Pod/foo when the cluster contains resources of different types with the same name). To generate a policy report for a live cluster use --cluster with --policy_report.

1kyverno apply policy.yaml --cluster --policy_report

Above example applies a policy.yaml to all resources in the cluster.

Below are the combination of inputs that can be used for generating the policy report from Kyverno CLI.

Policy Resource Cluster Namespace Interpretation
policy.yaml -r resource.yaml false Apply policy from policy.yaml to the resources specified in resource.yaml
policy.yaml -r resourceName true Apply policy from policy.yaml to the resource with a given name in the cluster
policy.yaml true Apply policy from policy.yaml to all the resources in the cluster
policy.yaml -r resourceName true -n=namespaceName Apply policy from policy.yaml to the resource with a given name in a specific Namespace
policy.yaml true -n=namespaceName Apply policy from policy.yaml to all the resources in a specific Namespace


Consider the following policy and resources:


 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: require-pod-requests-limits
 5  annotations:
 6 Workload Management
 7 >-
 8      As application workloads share cluster resources, it is important to limit resources
 9      requested and consumed by each pod. It is recommended to require 'resources.requests'
10      and 'resources.limits' per pod. If a namespace level request or limit is specified,
11      defaults are automatically applied to each pod based on the 'LimitRange' configuration.      
13  validationFailureAction: audit
14  rules:
15  - name: validate-resources
16    match:
17      resources:
18        kinds:
19        - Pod
20    validate:
21      message: "CPU and memory resource requests and limits are required"
22      pattern:
23        spec:
24          containers:
25          - resources:
26              requests:
27                memory: "?*"
28                cpu: "?*"
29              limits:
30                memory: "?*"


 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: Pod
 4  name: nginx1
 5  labels:
 6    env: test
 8  containers:
 9  - name: nginx
10    image: nginx
11    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
12    resources:
13      requests:
14        memory: "64Mi"
15        cpu: "250m"
16      limits:
17        memory: "128Mi"
18        cpu: "500m"


 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: Pod
 4  name: nginx2
 5  labels:
 6    env: test
 8  containers:
 9  - name: nginx
10    image: nginx
11    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Case 1: Apply a policy manifest to multiple resource manifests

1kyverno apply policy.yaml -r resource1.yaml -r resource2.yaml --policy_report

Case 2: Apply a policy manifest to multiple resources in the cluster

Create the resources by first applying manifests resource1.yaml and resource2.yaml.

1kyverno apply policy.yaml -r nginx1 -r nginx2 --cluster --policy_report

Case 3: Apply a policy manifest to all resources in the cluster

1kyverno apply policy.yaml --cluster --policy_report

Given the contents of policy.yaml shown earlier, this will produce a report validating against all Pods in the cluster.

Case 4: Apply a policy manifest to multiple resources by name within a specific Namespace

1kyverno apply policy.yaml -r nginx1 -r nginx2 --cluster --policy_report -n default

Case 5: Apply a policy manifest to all resources within the default Namespace

1kyverno apply policy.yaml --cluster --policy_report -n default

Given the contents of policy.yaml shown earlier, this will produce a report validating all Pods within the default Namespace.

On applying policy.yaml to the mentioned resources, the following report will be generated:

 2kind: ClusterPolicyReport
 4  name: clusterpolicyreport
 6- message: Validation rule 'validate-resources' succeeded.
 7  policy: require-pod-requests-limits
 8  resources:
 9  - apiVersion: v1
10    kind: Pod
11    name: nginx1
12    namespace: default
13  rule: validate-resources
14  scored: true
15  status: pass
16- message: 'Validation error: CPU and memory resource requests and limits are required; Validation rule validate-resources failed at path /spec/containers/0/resources/limits/'
17  policy: require-pod-requests-limits
18  resources:
19  - apiVersion: v1
20    kind: Pod
21    name: nginx2
22    namespace: default
23  rule: validate-resources
24  scored: true
25  status: fail
27  error: 0
28  fail: 1
29  pass: 1
30  skip: 0
31  warn: 0


The test command can test multiple policy resources from a Git repository or local folders. The command recursively looks for YAML files with policy test declarations (described below) and then executes those tests.


1kyverno test  /path/to/folderContaningTestYamls


1kyverno test  /path/to/githubRepository

Use the --f <fileName.yaml> flag to set a file name which includes test cases.

Test declaration file format (test.yaml)

 1- name: test-1
 2  policies:
 3     - <path>
 4     - <path>
 5  resources:
 6     - <path>
 7     - <path>
 8   results:
 9   - policy: <name>
10     rule: <name>
11     resource: <name>
12     status: pass
13   - policy: <name>
14     rule: <name>
15     resource: <name>
16     status: fail

The test declaration consists of three parts:

  1. The policies element which lists one or more policies to be applied.
  2. The resources element which lists one or more resources to which the policies are applied.
  3. The results element which declares the expected results.

The test command executes a test declaration by applying the policies to the resources and comparing the results with the expected results. The test passes if the actual results match the expected results.

Multiple tests can be defined in the same file using the YAML delimiter ---.


Policy manifest (disallow_latest_tag.yaml):

 2kind: ClusterPolicy
 4  name: disallow-latest-tag
 5  annotations:
 6 Best Practices
 7 >-
 8      The ':latest' tag is mutable and can lead to unexpected errors if the 
 9      image changes. A best practice is to use an immutable tag that maps to 
10      a specific version of an application pod.      
12  validationFailureAction: audit
13  rules:
14  - name: require-image-tag
15    match:
16      resources:
17        kinds:
18        - Pod
19    validate:
20      message: "An image tag is required."  
21      pattern:
22        spec:
23          containers:
24          - image: "*:*"
25  - name: validate-image-tag
26    match:
27      resources:
28        kinds:
29        - Pod
30    validate:
31      message: "Using a mutable image tag e.g. 'latest' is not allowed."
32      pattern:
33        spec:
34          containers:
35          - image: "!*:latest"

Resource manifest (resource.yaml):

 1apiVersion: v1
 2kind: Pod
 4  name: myapp-pod
 5  labels:
 6    app: myapp
 8  containers:
 9  - name: nginx
10    image: nginx:1.12

Test manifest (test.yaml):

 1name: disallow_latest_tag
 3  -  disallow_latest_tag.yaml
 5  -  resource.yaml
 7  - policy: disallow-latest-tag
 8    rule: require-image-tag
 9    resource: myapp-pod
10    status: pass
11  - policy: disallow-latest-tag
12    rule: validate-image-tag
13    resource: myapp-pod
14    status: pass
1kyverno test <PathToDirs>

The example above applies a test on the policy and the resource defined in the test YAML.

1 myapp-pod with disallow-latest-tag/require-image-tag pass
2 myapp-pod with disallow-latest-tag/validate-image-tag pass


Validates a policy, can validate multiple policy resource description files or even an entire folder containing policy resource description files. Currently supports files with resource description in YAML. The policies can also be passed from stdin.


kyverno validate /path/to/policy1.yaml /path/to/policy2.yaml /path/to/folderFullOfPolicies

Passing policy from stdin:

kustomize build nginx/overlays/envs/prod/ | kyverno validate -

Use the -o <yaml/json> flag to display the mutated policy.


kyverno validate /path/to/policy1.yaml /path/to/policy2.yaml /path/to/folderFullOfPolicies -o yaml

Policy can also be validated with CRDs. Use -c flag to pass the CRD, can pass multiple CRD files or even an entire folder containing CRDs.


kyverno validate /path/to/policy1.yaml -c /path/to/crd.yaml -c /path/to/folderFullOfCRDs


Prints the version of Kyverno used by the CLI.


kyverno version

Last modified July 12, 2021 at 12:21 PM PST: fix ResourceName for test command (2b26888)